Search Results for ‘who dey’
Just a brief post today, but family is requesting more pictures of Who Dey, my bengal cat – so here are some more.
I’m kinda sick so I don’t feel like typing too many captions or what not, I think I’ll just upload the pictures. Besides that, Who Dey won’t freaking shut up right now – she’s driving me crazy. My cat, sensing that I was upset, just sat beside me and kept me company.
This is the new toy my parents bought her. It looks lovely in my dining room :'(
Just so you know, I didn’t put those toys in the bed, she put them in the bed before falling asleep there.
That’s baby, the neighbor’s cat. She usually comes to visit and her and Who Dey paw and growl at each other through the glass door.
That’s her trying to retrieve the peice of cellophane she was playing with after I threw it away.
Ok, I hope that should hold you guys for a while. I’m not too good at taking pictures.
April 14th, 2007
To those of you who read this for other reaons, I appologize. My family has requested more cat updates of Who Dey, so I’m providing.
On the technical side, I just bought a $20 AirLink 101 USB video capture adapter, and it seems to have worked pretty well. The quality isn’t that great but I think it’s due to the fact that my camcorder is about 5 years old. I’m not much of a video guy.
Anyway… You might ask why the videos are being hosted on Google Video and it’s because I tried YouTube and I like Google Video better. After veryifying my email on YouTube, it still asked me to verify my email – so I was stuck waiting. Anyway, Google video’s interface seems better too, but that’s another post. On to the videos:
Here’s a good one of Who Dey Playing fetch:
She also likes to jump. Here’s a couple of her jumping… Before you complain though, it’s hard to play with the cat while holding a video camera.
here’s another:
That’s it for now. By the way, why doesn’t Google video have a category pre made for cat videos? They should!
March 3rd, 2007
As family members keep asking me for more Who Dey updates, I keep feeling obliged to provide more and more pictures and such. If you don’t regularly read my blog, Who Dey is my new bengal kitten. You can catch up by reading and here, and here.
Ok, on to the new stuff:
Nobody seems to believe me when I say that Who Dey plays fetch, so I decided to get a little bit of proof. Here’s a picture of Who Dey bringing me her mouse to throw for her:
Of course, in today’s modern age we all want video… so, here’s a couple videos of her fetching. The first one is short so that you can see I actually threw something. The second one is about the longest distance I have in my house. Enjoy:
Apparantley WordPress won’t let me embed a video nicely, so you’ll just have to view them by clicking the links:
Short Fetch
Long Fetch
P.S. if anybody knows a good video capture card that has RCA inputs, and is really really cheap, please let me know. I have a pretty old camera, but I’d love to be able to somehow get some videos online.
February 18th, 2007
Now that I’ve started a new job I decided it was a good time to splurge and buy some of the geeky toys that I’ve been wanting or needing lately.
First off, I wanted a wireless keyboard and mouse. When I saw the good deal on the Microsoft fingerprint reader desktop I couldn’t resist. The keyboard isn’t wireless like the mouse, but it does have a fingerprint reader built in. It’s pretty neat. Instead of remembering passwords, I just scan my finger.
Just like everything Microsoft it didn’t support firefox, however I did manage to find a neat little extension called fingerfox that made it work nicely. (if you can handle a little bit of French)
Since I was updating my computer, I noticed a Belkin 900VA UPS system on Stootsi and it was decently priced – so I picked one up. I’ve lost 2 computers lifetime to power surges/brownouts. Most recently I lost my 2 weeks out of warranty Dell when the power line behind my house went down. It was time to get a backup.
Then, I spoiled myself. I headed over to woot and noticed they had one of those USB Rocket Launchers for almost half price. I figured why the heck not – it’ll surely annoy the interns at my office. (that guy in the video isn’t me. It’s just the first youtube result that showed the thing I bought)
It came in the mail today and my cat is not too happy with me at the moment 🙂
If I get time I’ll post a couple of reviews or videos of some other things. I’ve been meaning to write up the Mazda iPod adapter (and mention how they could improve it) but I just haven’t found the time to take the photographs… maybe sometime this weekend.
June 22nd, 2007
Continuing in the typical blogger tradition of posting cat pictures, here’s some more pictures of my cat Whodey.
Whodey is a 14 week old bengal kitten. That means she’s like a regular cat, but longer (and will grow bigger), and a little smarter. She’s not afraid of water, plays fetch, hide and seek, and is pretty smart. In fact, she can jump pretty high too:
I bought her a scratching post the other day (I still haven’t decided if she gets to keep her claws. That’s up to how she acts.
After about 4 hours she pulled all the yarn out of that toy. When she was finished pulling out the yarn she bit off the string, brought it to me and started crying “Hey, I broke my toy.”
Compared to my mom’s cat, whodey is a handfull. She recently decided she likes to swim in her water bowl, and proceeds to make a flood in my kitchen every day. She also likes to sleep under the covers with me. She crawls underneath and curls up against my stomach. Ordinarily it wouldn’t be a problem, but I toss and turn a lot so I constantly get woken up with a claw to the ribs and meow that says “hey, get off of me.”
Here’s a couple more pictures.
January 27th, 2007
Those of you that know me know that I’ve been blogging since before blogging was a word. Back then we just called it writing, and not everybody had their own website. Back then only people who had something to say were blogging. Why?
It cost more. My first domain name was $35, and that was cheap! My hosting cost me $12/month for the most basic plan. There wasn’t even any blogging software like wordpress around. If we wanted to post, we learned perl and wrote our own content management system. My first site was stored entirely in delimited text files.
Anyway… I’ve been reading the A-list blogger sites, and I’ve realized there are 2 main reasons why I’m not an A-List blogger.
1. I don’t work for Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, or any other company you’ve heard of. I work for Car Guys, Inc. Because of that, I don’t have to run my posts through a lawyer or post the obligatory “the views expressed herein aren’t the views of Car Guys, Inc.” statement – even though they aren’t.
The downside though, is that most of you don’t care about my opinion on things. Would anybody care what Scoble had to say if he never worked at Microsoft? Would you even know who he is?
2. I don’t post cute kitten pics
It seems like everybody else posts Cute Cat Pictures.
Until Now…..
In the spirit of being a tech blogger, I just got myself a cat – sorta. It’s a bengal. A bengal is a cross between an asian leopard and a domestic cat. You can read more about them on Wikipedia. They’re really cool.
Bengals are like regular cats only faster, friendlyier, longer, and more curious. They also like to take walks on a leash, play fetch, hide and seek, and swim. That’s right, this cat isn’t only super cool looking, but he swims too! Pretty soon I’ll be teaching him how to use a toilet instead of a litter box. I’ll upload some pictures once he gets the hang of it.
Here’s another picture:
FYI, those aren’t my pink baseboards. The cat (who I’ve named whodey after the cincinatti bengals mascot) is currently visiting my aunt in Dallas. I’ll be picking him up soon.
January 12th, 2007