how to purchase disulfiram Every once in a while you write a blog entry so good that you just want to keep pointing back to it. Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of having some favorite blog entries that seem to stand out among the others.
The posts below are the ones I consider the best of the best. They’re my favorites. Enjoy.
(Note: many old posts were lost due to database errors in moving the site 3 times. I’ll try to restore them as i can)
A MySpace Health Study – a satire that Xichekolas helped me with.
It’s Not Google’s Fault Your Site Isn’t Useful
My Daughter’s A Tramp, Isn’t It Cute?
Is Gambling Bad For Your Health?
Hacking Google China
Parents, Grandparets Responsible for Videogame Crimes
Quixotical – the article that started it all
The Mice Parade – this one is by Baboo. Not sure what happened to him, but I liked this post of his so I kept it.