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New Years Eve

What’s everybody’s plans for new years?

I’ll be spending mine in the windy city of Chicago. It should be a blast.

Unsure of what you’re doing? Make sure you still say happy new year to that special somebody. Schedule a Text Message Greeting with

You can enter your message and a time, and it’ll send it to their phone for you. This way, you can still let that person know you’re thinking about them at midnight; even if you passed out from 2 bottles of champaign at 10:30…. lightweight.

Feel free to share your new years resolutions with us in the comments here.

Here’s mine:

Eat More, Gain Weight, Work Out Less, Be less productive than I already am, and stay single.

OK ok, so I really wanted to say the opposite, but this way I know I can’t fail 🙂 And if I do fail, I definitely wouldn’t be upset.

January 1st, 2005

News Flash: The Sky is Blue!

More at 11…

Meanwhile, In a shocking news story, the Government is using cookies on their websites.

Oh my god, they’re spying on us.

This author is a moron.

Cookies are not spying. Let me put some facts out there.

Little Rock Cookies can only be 4k in size

Cookies are only readable by the site that set them

Cookies can’t access any other data on your machine

Cookies are NOT a security threat

Every major website out there uses cookies. All they do is store your site settings or marketing data. Example, when you visit my websites I set a cookie.

That cookie tells me how you got there, and what pages you visited while you were on my site. I then use this data to improve the websites. If I see that nobody is using the “latest headlines” box, I’ll move it or get rid of it. It’s called marketing. All successful websites do it.

It’s time we stop being paranoid about things we know nothing about.

Everything that the site stores in a cookie they could just as easily store in a database with ur IP address. By using the cookie, they’re actually giving you more control over the data. (you can delete a cookie, you can’t delete a database entry in their server) It’s not spying at all.

January 1st, 2005

7-5 not since 1984

Wow. I just want to say to all the teams who play in the Sun Belt conference.. I’m sorry you have to put up with that officiating. That was the worst display of officiating I’ve ever seen in my life. For both sides of the ball.

When there are 40 players for 1 team on the field during a play, it’s a penalty. I’ve even seen pee wee referees get that right.

And coaches shouldn’t have to use their timeouts to get a replay. You have a replay official for a reason. I really hope you didn’t pay them.

Other than that, the game happened just as I predicted. Michigan dominated the Nebraska line, but that damn prevent defense killed us.

Listen up Jim, the prevent only prevents us from keeping a lead. Dance with the girl what brung you. Don’t change what’s working.

Congrats Nebraska. Look forward to seeing you bring that program back to what it used to be. If only Michigan could do the same.

January 1st, 2005

Bowl Pool Update

Well, Nevada collectively screwed all of us in an uncomfortable place (like the back of a volkswagen) when they let Central Florida make a come back, and lose the game by missing an extra point.

yes, Nevada still won like we all picked, but they didn’t cover the 1.5 point spread. I think that’s the first time I’ve ever seen that. Lost 18 points on that one.

Made up for it by making 17 points on the Memphis covering teh spread against Akron. Sad, it was Akron’s first bowl appearance ever. I ran into some Akron students in the casino before the game. They had no idea how to play blackjack. I don’t know where this is going so on to the next game.

Go Rutgers! For being 14 point underdogs they sure did look good last nite. 8 more points for me 🙂

As much as it pains me to do so, I had to take Nebraska with the points today against Michigan. Michigan has been so unpredictable, and they haven’t really seen the Nebraska option offense since the great Notre Dame teams of years past. I predit a close game, but in the end Nebraska will cover the spread. It’ll come down to Michigan having to stop them from going 80 yards in the final 2 minutes and failing.

Georgia Tech Utah should be a good game tomorrow, Utah’s getting 7.5 points and I think they should cover that. Also tomorrow, Oregon should cover the 7.5 point spread against Oklahoma too.

I love this time of year. From the way I talk, you’d think I had more than $1 riding on each game.. but I don’t. Always gamble with what you can afford to lose…. or somebody else’s money.

January 1st, 2005

My Generation

When we think of the “generation gaps” we usually think of TVs, Cars, Wars and Baby Boomers right?

We may even divide it musically by Siantra, Jazz, oldies, disco, and hip hop.

But what about on the internet? Clearer and clearer internet generations are starting to form.

I remember progressing from Prodigy to AOL then to Cable modems. Many kids today don’t even know what dialup is.

Remember IRC? Some of you may not even remember Napster, but I’m sure you’ve heard of kazaa.

The newest generation is the MySpace generation. Thankfully I missed this one (I missed livejournal too) I’d label the kids from 11 to 17 the “MySpace Generation”. Before myspace it was LiveJournal. Before that, only a few of us had blogs.

It used to be that blogs required technical knowledge, HTML skills, a domain name and webhosting. Live Journal changed that, and MySpace made it a viral popularity contest.

People used to only blog if they had something to say. Now we have hourly reports about “how cool Britney Spears is”, what Shelly from wisconsin had for lunch, or the hottness of the new boy that Suzy from Chicago is dating. How is this helping the web?

Not one person anywhere has ever once said anything productive or intelligent on a myspace account. Seriously, I challenge you to find something insightful from a MySpace domain. I mean, just look at the crap people are posting to their livejournal at this very second. (shows last 30 images uploaded to livejournal by all accounts)

I’m one for free speech and all, but I really don’t care if Jenny thinks she’s bisexual, Brad got dumped or Michelle really hates her mom because she won’t get her that cool new camera phone.

I hope our next internet “generation” at least offers something productive.

January 1st, 2005

The World is Flat

Ok, before we get into an intelligent design debate, I’m not talking about any of that. I’m talking about a book by Thomas Friedman.

In his book Friedman mentions that “the world is flat,” not because of biblical beliefs but because of technology.

With the current state of technology and oursourcing, the trend is now towards emigrating rather than immigrating.

Thanks to globalization we now have cheaper labor, cheaper products & services, and offshore poker sites; but is this causing the west to lose its stronghold on the economy?

Currently China is graduating twice the amount of bachelors degrees as the US, and India regularly graduates 1 million more degrees than the US. Not only that, the number of technology & engineering degrees in the US is declining.

over 70% of Japanese 7th graders can pass our high school equivalency exam.

Our students no longer have any motivation; and they will eventually be the downfall of America. That’s right, your kids (and mine someday) are going to crush our economy with their math grades.

As Friedman puts it “In China today, Bill Gates is Britney Spears. In America today, Britney Spears is Britney Spears…” And that’s a BIG problem.

At what point in this rapid globalization process should companies stop looking out for the global economy as a whole, and start protecting their own interests? How can we fix this?

January 1st, 2005

How old is the Grand Canyon?

This article is what makes me vote democrat.

According to this article, many republicans actually believe that God created the world in it’s current form just a few thousand years ago, and that dinosaurs co-existed with Adam and Eve.

You’ve got to be kidding me.

This is a political party that listens to God over their cabinent. They spend valuable money fighting to teach creationsim when it could be put to better use.

Are you arguing that God created the grand canyon and fossil record just to fool us? If so, then God would be an “Evil Deciever” and we all (well those of us who read) know the Descartian implications of that right?

It’s time for a new party. Let’s call it the rational party. Or, lately if we want to actually win the election we should call it the “patriot party” or the “anti terrorist party”. A vote against the anti terrorist party is a vote for the terrorist party right? Who wants that.

January 1st, 2005

Merry Xmas

Did you ever wonder what it’s like to have a website filled with tens of loving, adoring fans? So have I.

Since I don’t even have that, I’d like to say Merry Christmas to the 3 or 4 of you that actually read this stuff. (when of course the people at actually have the database up and running)

I hope you all have plans for the new year. I’m tenatively scheduled to spend the new year in Chicago. I’ll tell you how that works out.

I’ve got 2 or 3 new websites I’ll be launching, but I’m going to save them for after the new year. They just don’t fit the holiday spirit.

What are your new years resolutions and goals? Mine are pretty simple:

Finally start that diet.

Work Out more.

Launch 5 new websites over the year.

Work hard enough at work to get a raise.

Pretty typical I guess eh?

anyway. Merry Xmas.

January 1st, 2005


Do a search on Google for a thing. It doesn’t matter what thing it is. Tomato, Pencil, slang, satellite information etc…

I bet you find a Wikipedial url.

Forget online directories, Wiki seems to be the new authority figure on everything. If you’re not sure what a wiki is, it’s a site that anybody can edit. That’s right, anybody.

So why didn’t it instantly turn into porn pills and poker? Wikis have strong communities, the people take too much of an interest in their articles and quickly delete the spam.

Is this why Google seems to be giving it such heavy weight despite recent innaccurate data controversy?

BTW, is currently for sale. The current bit is $200. I’m not completely sure if I want to let it go or not, but if you’re interested drop me a line.

January 1st, 2005

Wikipedia Lawsuit?

Have you heard about this new class action lawsuit against Wikipedia for having false information? They’re trying to get it shut down for containing “untrue and libelous informatin” Does this sound absurdly crazy to anybody else?

It says right on the page it’s a free encyclopedia that anybody can edit. What did you expect?

Just in case, let’s break that down.

Free – No money.

Encyclopedia – A comprehensive reference work containing articles on a wide range of subjects or on numerous aspects of a particular field. (notice it doesn’t say anything about factual or true?)

Anyone – You, me, grandma, Cletus, Mrs Johnson’s 3rd grade class, any idiot with a computer.

Edit – Write, change, or add content.

Honestly, if you use wikipedia as a reference for anything remotely important, you need your internet privledges revoked permanently. It’s for entertainment like the onion, fark, or this website right here.

If they shut down every website that ever posted “untrue or libelous information” there would only be 5 websites left. 2 poker sites, 2 porn sites, and 1 site about the history of the internet; telling us how it used to be a free place where anybody could post their opinion on anything.

January 1st, 2005

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