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I’ve been reading 2 great books lately. The one I just finished was Mitch Album’s Tuesdays with Morrie in which Mitch re-visits an old professor of his who is dying of ALS.
The 2nd is “the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime”.. It’s written from the point of view of a 15 year old autistic child who doesn’t quite understand emotion, but is brilliant with math.. anyway his neighbor’s dog is murdered and he goes about trying to solve the mystery. It’s very insightful. Read it.
I started reading books again because I’m tired of reading the news. It makes me sick. People are so Stupid, and I can’t take it any longer.
If I read one more example of people trying to blame their problems on others, I’m going to scream. A great example is the whole negative backlash against Payday Loans. Yes, they are a high interest rate loan, but that’s only because of the math formula.
People get freaked out about the percieved interest rate when it’s really a case of “If I give you $100 today, you owe me $105 next week”.. That’s a really high interest rate, but it’s practical.
This is why you pay them off on time… It’s just like your credit card.. if you let it build up it’s not Visa’s fault, it’s yours.
Another one in the news today is the mandatory high school graduation tests. Parents are suing to make these illegal as well. I say if after 4 years at a school, you can’t pass a test that 90% of other students can.. you don’t deserve a high school diploma. Just showing up isn’t good enough, you have to take some knowledge away with you.
It’s for reasons like this that China is going to become the world’s new superpower. Their people may be repressed, but at least they’re not idiots.
January 1st, 2005
Exxon Mobil recently announced their 4th quarter profits.. Just shy of 10 Billion dollars.
For those of you keeping track that’s the largest 1-quarter profits ever by an American company. To put it in perspective: Bahrain (the home of Michael Jackson and leading oil supplier to Exxon Mobil) only has a Gross Domestic Product of 9 billion.
If you remember, the 4th quarter also included Hurricane Katrina, so called “gas shortages” and other problems that all resulted in $4.00 / gallon gas prices.
Of course, now that we see their profits for that quarter, these were all neccessary right?
January 1st, 2005
Using MRI scanners, neuroscientists now have tracked what happens in the politically partisan brain when it tries to digest damning facts about favored candidates or criticisms of them….
….”Everything we know about cognition suggests that, when faced with a contradiction, we use the rational regions of our brain to think about it, but that was not the case here,” said Dr. Drew Westen…
Full Story here
January 1st, 2005
Look no further. You found one! I’m willing to sell out and write articles about any topic, for any website; provided of course you pay me!
In addition to having me write articles for your blog or magazine, you’ll also recieve links from ast least 3 of my pagerank 5 or higher websites!
I’ve written for many sites in the past including this one, akpcep, resultsblog, carbuyerlog, and countless others. I’ve even had articles published in books… and somehow I have about 100 or so people who routinely check all the websites I write for. You can find more examples by clicking the “articles I wrote” link to the right.
I’m more interested in having a weekly column, but I will do guest spots here and there and my prices are very reasonable. In fact, if your website gets over 1000 unique visitors / day, I’d be willing to write a column for free (if you occasionally let me slip in some hyperlinks).
If you’re intersted, you can email me: Ryan at and we’ll talk.
Don’t wait, act today!
January 1st, 2005
Today’s Coverup story Brought to you courtesy of Texas.
Here’s the story:
Local lawmen in remote west Texas came face to face with ten armed men wearing what appeared to be Mexican army camouflage uniforms who came to the aid of one of three suspected drug dealers’ vehicles when it became stuck in the riverbank of the Rio Grande, law enforcement officials said today.
Basically.. Car full of drugs gets stuck in Texas. Drivers run back to Mexico. Mexican army truck with mounted .50 caliber machine gun comes driving up (IN TEXAS), takes the drugs, and lights the car on fire… then drives BACK to Mexcio.
Is it just me, or does anybody else see a BIG problem with this?
We’re willing to probe every orifice of an 80 yr old muslim grandmother who arrives via airplane, but we won’t stop a drug-stuffed humvee with a mounted machine gun at the Mexican border?
It’s time we start holding somebody accountable.
January 1st, 2005

Take the Does He Like Me Quiz
Girls.. Find out if he likes you, take the Does He Like Me quiz.
It’s shockingly accurate… and it’s only 4 questions!
January 1st, 2005
Wum what does V7ndotcom Elursrebmem mean?
Well, it seems that V7ndotcom is having an SEO contest. Since I do a little SEO in my spare time, I’m going to induldge V7ndotcom and post their weird keyword: V7ndotcom Elursrebmem on dotCULT for a while.
The experiment here is how much a well established page/site can affect the contest. According to the rules are:
in order to qualify for the contest a page must have either a link back to the V7N home page, one of the Official ?V7ndotcom Elursrebmem? v7n SEO Contest banners, or the following text ?We support
I would assume that this qualifies us. We have the text, we have the link, and we have the weird keyword of V7ndotcom Elursrebmem (which is basically members rule spelled backwards).
It’s kinda funny, cuz there is even an ebay auction going for the website of, and every variation of a domain name containing every variation of the keywords “V7ndotcom Elursrebmem” seems to have been registered.
Anyway, Goodluck to everybody enrolled in the v7n contest. I hope you show up top 5 for V7ndotcom Elursrebmem
January 1st, 2005
US Senators have said that a military strike against IRAN must be an option.
That is, they’ve given the president permission to use force against Iran too…. not just Iraq.
We’re already fighting a war in 2 countries, why not start one in a 3rd right?
Our war mongering President has just started world war 3, and nobody seems to care.
Dont’ tell me he wasn’t planning this either, he’s already got Iran surrounded on 3 sides… Iraq, Afghanistan, and the fleet in the persian Gulf. You’re naive if you think it’s really about nuclear weapons.
Would it be ok if some other country used force to prevent our nuclear weapons program? Why is it perfectly ok for us to have nuclear weapons, but not for other countries to do so?
How many more years? It may just be too late then.
January 1st, 2005
Last Thursday President Bush signed into law the Violence Against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005. Included in the law is a clause that outlaws anonymously using the Internet “with the intent to annoy, abuse, threaten, or harass.
Big brother is watching.
Better start using your real name in the comments, because otherwise if you annoy me, you could pay a fine or get up to 5 years in jail.
.. This one will get defeated on the first trial. Doesn’t anybody read these laws before they sign them? That’s 2 stupid laws in 3 days.
More laws aren’t the answer people..
The ideal government would make 0 new laws, instead they’d remove old ones (like the 10 cent bounty on dead rats in Michigan) and re-word current ones that Everyday Joe 6-Pack doesn’t need a lawyer to understand his constitutional rights.
January 1st, 2005
I’ve been recently addicted to online poker.
Thankfully, I’m decent at it though..
I played 4 party poker speed tournaments (usually last about 20 min for a 10 man tourney) last nite, and Did rather well.
In the 4 tournaments I played, I had the following finishes:
I decided not to press my luck and call it quits for the night. I know I won’t make any real money online, but it IS a great place to practice my game for the upcoming church tournaments.
If you wanna try party poker out, head over to and use bonus code DOTCULT to get $25 free when you make your first deposit.
January 1st, 2005
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