Why Do People Still Call?
September 22nd, 2008 Ryan Jones
My job is over 50% talking. Most of my day is spent talking to various people about websites, advertising, SEO, and all that fun stuff. I’m not complaining about it, but I’m starting to wonder why we keep using the phone.
Why not just email?
I’m about twice as productive via email as I am on the phone, and I think there’s a few reasons for that.
1.) I never attend to email when it would interrupt something productive (like a phone call often does)
2.) I don’t have to take notes when you email me something, nor do I have to remember it. It’s still in my inbox.
3.) When people send email they’re concise and stick to the topic. There’s no need for this “how was your weekend” crap. I can’t remember the last time somebody honestly cared about my weekend.
4.) You don’t hear my cat screaming in the background.
I like email, I don’t like the phone.
Strangely enough, I’d still prefer a phone call to texting – as all the productivity gain is sucked away by the time spent typing my message on my phone keypad.
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