Archive for July 16th, 2014

Matt Cutts Photoshops

If you’ve ever seen me speak at a marketing conference, you’ve probably noticed a trend – I can’t resist photoshopping Matt Cutts, Duane Forrester, or just any other marketer I happen to be on a panel with. I’ve seen many of my photoshops on blog posts, so I decided to put up an authoritative post with them.

If you want to use one of the below photoshops for your blog, go for it – just provide attribution. I’m not requiring a link (if you choose to link, you can nofollow it if you want.) Just mention my twitter handle (@ryanJones) or my name, or this post, or my personal website at – I don’t care how, just please give me credit.

Newer Photoshops – added 7/16/14

When Matt accidentally tweeted a selfie last month I couldn’t help but hire a clipping path service provider and have some fun with it. Here’s Matt not seeing what’s behind him. It’s probably a thought that many spammers have had too.

The above photo was actually requested by my friend Simon, so while I had photoshop open I couldn’t resist doing an alternate version. This one pokes fun at Matt’s celebrity status in the SEO community and how “out of the way” people will go these days to get a photo with Matt.

This last one reaches all the way back to 1998. I’m sure a few old school SEOs will remember when Ask’s Jeeves butler sailed off into the sunset in retirement. With Matt currently on vacation, it only seemed fitting.

Matt Cutts Penalty Photoshop

Matt Cutts Penalty

You’ve probably seen this one all over the web. At last count it was on over 100 websites. The evil truth here? I didn’t actually make this one all by myself. A coworker of mine helped me with it – and actually used the opportunity to teach me how to photoshop.

Here’s another one I did of Matt Cutts as a referee. I used this at Pubcon to talk about search engine penalties:
Matt Cutts Penalty Ref

I did one of Duane Forrester for the same pubcon presentation:
Duane Forrester Penalty Ref
Duane’s actually hard to photoshop. There aren’t many source images of him floating around the web. Next time you see him standing next to a solid color wall, snap a photo!

This next image was so good that I used it at two different conferences – Pubcon and SMX. Talking about algorithm chaos and sustainable SEO, I imagined Matt and his team playing a never-ending game of whack a mole with spam websites.
Matt Cutts Whack A Mole

Speaking of never-ending games, I also created a Matt Cutts Version of Flappy Bird.

If you saw me speak at Clickz New York recently, you’ll recognize these images. The first one I did for my friend Erin’s presentation, but she decided not to use it, so I included it in mine. It just fit so well with my theme of “evolution” of link building.

Matt Cutts Preacher

Thou Shalt Not Guest Blog

Speaking of my evolution theme, this one fit perfectly too – however those who didn’t take 9th grade American literature might not get the reference.

Matt Cutts Scopes

Evolution is a tricky question, which is hungrier, my stomach or my soul? Hot dog.

It’s not Just Matt I Photoshop

At SMX East a couple years back I did a metrics panel with @Rhea and @vanessafox – and I couldn’t resist the sports theme that’s so easy to do with measurement. I also couldn’t resist photoshopping my co-presenters. here’s Rhea as a ref (yeah, I like know.. refs again?) and Vanessa as a hockey player.
Rhea Ref

Vanessa Fox Hockey Player

I hope you enjoyed these Photoshops. I’ll update this post as I add more. And again, feel free to use them if you want – just give me some sort of attribution.

July 16th, 2014

About Ryan Jones Name: Ryan Jones
Alias: HockeyGod
Location: Michigan
Company: Team Detroit
Title: Sr. Search Strategist
AIM: TheHockeyGod
Pets: Who Dey

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