Archive for March, 2012

New Job, New Slides, and Other Updates

I haven’t been blogging a lot lately (here or on SEJ for that matter) because I’ve been extremely busy. In the last 90 days I’ve spent a week at SES San Diego, SMX West in San Jose, and another week in Atlanta for my actual job.

Speaking of my actual job, starting this month I’m no longer working at Team Detroit and am no longer working on the Ford account. I’ve taken a position as manager of search strategy & analytics at SapientNitro where I’ll be managing a search team and working a lot on the Chrysler account.

As always, now is a great time to mention that the views on this blog (and twitter, facebook, etc) are always mine and never those of my employer or client and that I’ve not been paid to post anything.

If you’re looking for slides from those last 2 conferences I mentioned, I’ve created a section of my personal website for posting my SEO Presentations and conference speaking schedule. The SMX west deck has a great @mattcutts penalty photoshop too – feel free to use it if you like. There’s also some liveblog coverage of my SMX domain migration panel by Lisa Barone and by Barry Schwartz.

Hmm, what else. I’ve been reading a lot of great SEO articles lately too and am hoping they spark me into taking time out of my day to actually write some more blogs. attribution models are a hot topic with me right now, so you may see me talking about that lately. I’ve also read a great article about how not to lose your shit online.

Anyway, that’s about it. Hopefully I’ll be back blogging soon. Take care.

March 14th, 2012

About Ryan Jones

Name: Ryan Jones
Alias: HockeyGod
Location: Michigan
Company: Team Detroit
Title: Sr. Search Strategist
AIM: TheHockeyGod
Pets: Who Dey

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