The Social Network Movie Experience
Last night after seeing the reviews on Flixster I decided I wanted to go see The Social Network movie. I quickly found a date on OkCupid and we headed to the theater. Upon arriving I quickly pulled out my iPhone and twittered that I was planning on seeing the movie. Then I opened up Facebook places and checked in my new friend and I before updating my status to let everybody know I was about to see the movie of the year. I also checked in on foursquare, where I was made aware of a coupon for free popcorn.
I logged into Groupon to take advantage of a ticketing deal, and paid with my debit card so that the purchase details were instantly available on Blippy (and also tracked on Then I took a photo of my date and I and uploaded it to DailyBooth and Flickr.
Unfortunately, by the time I did all of this the movie was over. I set my MySpace mood to disappointed and headed home.
Of course, you probably caught all of that on my friendfeed right?
1 comment October 12th, 2010