Unlock Franchise Mode In Madden 2010 Wii
If you’re like me and bought Madden 2010 for the Wii, you probably anxiously fired it up only to be severely disappointed when you weren’t able to find your beloved franchise mode. It’s not there! But don’t panic – franchise mode is there, but it’s hidden.
To unlock franchise mode, you have to go to the extras option and enter the cheat code: TEAMPLAYER
After that, you’ll see the franchise mode back where it belongs – on the menu.
I’m not sure why EA decided that Wii fans only like mini games (perhaps it has to do with the Wii play marketing mistake but either way it was a bad decision. It’s just going to turn Wii fans away from the Madden franchise.
Hopefully, one day the video game companies will learn that we care more about game play than how the graphics look. Hopefully that day comes soon.
5 comments August 19th, 2009