Not Ready To Think About Death.
Somebody I was friends with in elementary school just passed away recently. I never spoke to him after elementary school, even though we graduated together.
Anyway, it was a wake up call to me. I’m only 27, I’m way too young to be thinking about death – yet I am.
That’s some scary stuff that most people my age just don’t want to deal with right now, but we probably should. Hell, my dad is around 60 and if he’s got any plans, I sure don’t know about them.
Thinking about death just isn’t fun, so I can see why many of us just don’t think about it.
What about you? Have you made any plans for your death?
poignantly Update: Apparently Steve was the 3rd member of my graduating class to pass on. We lost one to a motorcycle accident, one to cancer, and one to drugs. It’s sad – we’re too young to die.
1 comment September 12th, 2008