Where Are The Fail Pictures Coming From?
http://vintagegoodness.com/page/3/ UPDATE: I Created My Own Fail Pictures Site: FailPictures.com
Earlier today I was reading an article about how Lynne Spears’ parenting book is now on hold after her youngest daughter, 16 year old Jamie Lynn, just revealed she’s pregnant. Shortly thereafter I saw this thread over on Fark.
Readers of the popular website uncov will no doubt recognize some of the failure pictures in that thread. So there’s my question. Where do all these pictures come from? Some of them are utterly hilarious – yet I’ve been unable to find a repository of failure pictures.
There’s a website idea for somebody. Catalog and index all these failure pictures so that they’re searchable. Perhaps even a fail picture of the day? You could basically just copy I can has cheezburger. Man, that site needs an easier to type URL.
So is there already an archive of these pictures? Where can I find it? If not, who’s going to make me one?
Oh yeah.. about the pregnancy. One way to keep somebody who’s rich and famous in your life forever is to make sure you get them pregnant. I’m not saying I advocate it, but it worked for K-fed in the end right?
3 comments December 19th, 2007