Archive for July, 2007

Giving Shoutwire Another Try

Some of you may remember that I was at one time an editor on shoutwire. Shoutwire is a Digg style site, but with a little more moderation to prevent spam. It also offers editorials.

One of the editorials I wrote for them the first time is still in their top 5 most popular. It’s called My Daughter’s a Tramp, Isn’t it Cute. You may remember it.

I left Shoutwire shortly after that when one of the people in charge started making unreasonable demands from us unpaid editors. He treated us like outsourced labor – and poorly.

Anyway, Shoutwire was recently purchased by Tubearoo (stock symbol: TUBR) and after seeing that a 400 day article was still in their top 5, they invited me back.

I’m not sure how long I’ll remain there or what, but my plan is to try to post 1 new editorial every week.

Here’s my first one.:
Paris Hilton… Is all it takes to make you read this.

Check it out.

July 12th, 2007

OMG..Yes, I DO have an iPhone.

Wow! I went up north from Wednesday through Sunday and my phone spent more time in other people’s hands than my own. I couldn’t go anywhere without a bunch of 16-25 year olds running up to me and asking to play with my phone.

It’s not like I was showing it off though…. there was no need to. My own cousin didn’t notice I had one until 2 days had passed, but that didn’t stop everybody else from noticing every time I was on the beach and took a phone call or checked an email.

I was curious as to why there were so many articles about it, but now I see why. People really do like it, and it IS that cool. I guess the newness just wore off on me.

The worst part is that the edge service didn’t work at the beach, so I couldn’t show off what I think is the coolest part of the phone.

Anyway, I did manage to take a bunch of pictures with the camera. I’m loving the fact that I can just touch a couple buttons and boom they’re on flickr. You can see them at my flickr account if you want.

Anyway, I’m still digging through hundreds of emails (443 to be exact) that I received during the 2 days I took off.

I’ve got some new projects in the works too… (or possibly quite old, you’ll see.) I’ll talk more about that in a few days when I have time.

July 9th, 2007

iPhone browser drives development & New Site Announcement

If email was the first killer app of the web, and social networking is the current one, then the iPhone web browser is going to be the killer app that revolutionizes the phone industry.

Never before have I seen so many articles about people making their websites or applications work on the iPhone. There are games made strictly for the iPhone, AIM clients made for the iPhone, and scaled down versions of Digg, Google Reader, Twitter, Flickr, and any other popular site you choose.

If anything is going to kick off the .mobi revolution than this is it! I think the iPhone is going to cause developers to start thinking about mobile phones when they develop their pages – and it’s about time. It’s where the web is going.

I know it contradicts the Berners-Lee description of the Internet. It DOES destroy an essential property of the web. I also think it’s it’s time for the web to evolve. I don’t think the phone browsers will ever be 100% the same as computer browsers. They shouldn’t be – they’re a different experience.

Anyway, in keeping with the trend I’ve put up an iPhone version of my Internet slang translator. You can check it out at It’s a totally scaled down version, but it’s still got all the power of the full one. Go ahead and bookmark it if you like.

feasibly Update: When I was testing stuff for the iPhone I started by fooling around with a basic rock paper scissor game. It’s very easy to code, and something fun to do. Anyway, a friend said I should release it as an iPhone app too, so I present to you: – rock paper scissors for the iPhone.

If there’s any interest in a dotCULT version let me know and I’ll make one. If you want to be an entrepreneur, you can start coding up a WordPress plugin to make a .mobi compatible website out of your current blog. I’m sure it’d get heavy use and press.

7 comments July 3rd, 2007

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Name: Ryan Jones
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