Archive for January 15th, 2007
Have you noticed that the standard RSS links aren’t in my sidebar anymore? Instead they’ve been replaced with the little
icon. It’s called FeedButton and it’s a website that I run.
Anyway… Today I released some new features for feedbutton. If you click on the button (the one in the sidebar), you’ll notice 2 new links at the bottom. The first one is a preview – it allows you to preview the rss fead, and presents you with some buttons to add it to your favorite readers.
The second is the stats button. This is the cool stuff. Here’s the stats for dotCULT’s new feed. You’ll see a preview of the feed at the top (and a link to add this feed to your reader of course). But then you’ll see the stats.
The first stat shows what readers your feed has been added to (the top 5), and the total number of readers subscribed to your feed.
The 2nd column uses Amazon style logic to show you the top 6 feeds that your readers also subscribe to. It works just like the “users who bought this product also bought these” type logic. For example, the feeds currently showing for dotCULT happen to be the old dotCULT rss feed, and 2 of my friend’s websites.  This makes sense considering I’ve added my feed and my friends, and they’ve added their feeds and mine.
For you privacy advocates out there, don’t worry. It’s not tracking any identifiable information about you at all.
So go check it out, and let me know if you have any comments, questions, or feature suggestions. I’ll be glad to listen to them.
January 15th, 2007
Chalk up more bad publicity for the Wii. First the straps were faulty (nevermind the fact that people couldn’t follow instructions, or hold on to the controller. Then it was the case of Porn on the Wii. Ignoring the fact (as the article I linked mentions) that the Wii actually does a better job of shielding your kids from porn than your local computer can even dream of doing.
So what now? Well, death of course. It seems that a woman died of water intoxication in a wii contest. Actually, it was a water drinking contest put on by KDND 107.9 where the winner got a free wii. The contest was titled “Hold Your Wee for a Wii.”
A simple idea – everybody drinks water, the last to pee wins the Wii. Of course, there comes a time when one can drink too much water.
I’m not sure what’s worse… the radio station who didn’t research the effects of their contest, or all the media outlets who put Wii in the title in an attempt to either cast blame or grab more readers.
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January 15th, 2007
This quote comes courtesy of Time Magazine, however it was too good to NOT put out there…
It’s Dick Cheney talking about “Scooter” Libby, who is on trial for lying to a grand jury.
“I believe he’s one of the more honest men I know”
If that doesn’t tell you anything about our government, I dont’ know what does.
powered by performancing firefox
January 15th, 2007
Today is Martin Luther King day. Many of you may have not noticed, but to us Detroiters it’s actually a rather big one. (although not big enough that I get today off of work.)
Anyway, if you haven’t yet heard MLK’s “I have a Dream” speech, go Listen to it. That website has it in audio, video, and text – so no excuses.
I’ll try to put this as politically correct as possible: This speech isn’t jsut for white / black / red / yellow / purple / green people… it’s for everybody. Today is a good day to remind everybody that racism doesn’t just exist in white against black, black against arab, or any other combination. Racism exists in all categories. There are blacks who hate whites too.
Racial hatred is an ugly thing – regardless of which race you are. I’ve heard a few people refer to today as James Earl Ray day and well, that’s just not right.
So regardless of what color you are, or whether or not you’re a victim or racism or part of the problem, whether or not you’ve heard the speech before, or even if you’ve never heard of martin luther king – today is a great day to listen, watch, or read the “I have a dream” speech.
January 15th, 2007