451 Degrees Away From Education
Google is celebrating our freedom to read with their addition of Banned Books to Google Book Search. (yet they still haven’t added Internet Slang Dictionary)
Take a look at the list though… I remember distinctly reading over half of these books in high school and college. To Kill a MockingBird is still one of my favorite all time books. If you haven’t read it, now’s a good time.
1984, The Great Gatsby, Lord of the Flies, and The Sun Also Rises (along with some non banned books like The Stranger and Death of a Salesman) helped shape the very person I am. Without these books my mind wouldn’t be open to the things it is today.
To ban the books on this list is a travesty. None of these books deserved to be banned, they deserve to be mandatory reading for all Americans; 1984 especially.
How many of these books have you read? I Myself have read 9 (and seen 2 movies). Do you think any of them deserve to be banned? Let me know in the comments.
1 comment September 13th, 2006