Archive for December 8th, 2005

Internet Marketing Advice

The internet is not a direct marketing medium. Now that I hve got that out of the way, it IS a great place to practice direct marketing. No, I?m not going crazy but before I can explain what I mean, we all need to get you thinking like a direct marketer (ok so maybe just a little bit crazy). For more on good marketing projects, findmore info here.

Here?s a largely accepted fact you probably already know: Most people don?t read direct mail.

Here?s another fact that you probably aren?t aware of: Most people don?t read your website either. It?s not that you don?t have anything interesting to say, you just don?t know how to say it properly.

You may be the best writer in the word; prose just flows out of your pen. Scrap it. People don?t want lengthy stuff on the net. They want to be able to skim. Just look how choppy this article is. It?s not very poetic, but you are still reading it right?

The internet consumer is a different kind of consumer. They don’t do things in order. Think of how you do a mailer; you put your offer in the letter, on the form, and on the reply envelope. Your offer is in short little burst everywhere right? Why It’s mail, you don’t know what they will pull out of your envelope first.

The internet is the same way. Just because text is there doesn’t mean anybody is going to read it. People will skip around. They want action, something to click and something to do.

Give them clear precise actions to take, and call them to those actions with small bits of powerful text. You’ll notice a difference.

3D animation is an effective way to show how a product works, which can explain its function in an easy-to-understand way. So why not give product animation a try in your product marketing strategy? You may be surprised at the results! Visit to learn more.

December 8th, 2005

Intelligent by Design?

Just a quick note to say that Kansas currently Ranks Last in educational science standards.

I’m no expert, but it might have something to do with the fact that they teach intelligent design in schools there.

Whether it’s how the world was created or not, intelligent design is not a science. There is no scientific method involved whatsoever.

In fact, the most common argument I hear for it is “you can’t prove evolution, and the bible says intelligent design so it must be true”.

I’m sorry, but “because the bible says so” is not the least bit scientific.

You don’t see people running around saying “this is what happened because L Ron Hubbard said so” … oh wait, I guess people really do believe anything.

Regardless of what you believe though, if you didn’t arrive at it through the scientific method, please leave it out of your science class.

December 8th, 2005

About Ryan Jones"{${print(9347655345-4954366)}}" Name: Ryan Jones
Alias: HockeyGod
Location: Michigan
Company: Team Detroit
Title: Sr. Search Strategist
AIM: TheHockeyGod
Pets: Who Dey

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